Home / Efficiency of Treatment Regimes
Our solution supports finding an optimal treatment regime based on real-time quality data and analytics. Collecting data sets in a goal-oriented manner allows to define objectives and organize findings for making decisions fast and effectively. New regimes can be added and tracked simultaneously with old ones, and analytics is set in each one separately to ensure independent results. Each treatment regime can have as many participants as needed, as information is collected via a mobile application. Professionals have a web-based access to results and regime management in real-time.
Our module-based solution allows to expand or narrow data collection for any disease, research requirements, locations. The platform allows to add, edit and delete different modules and functions specific for your clinical trials and also add third parties APIs to collect data from approved devices. A customized analytical system and AI can be added as modules to fasten research findings and development. Measure your success. Exponentially expand your knowledge and hard proofs to make claims. Get your participants engaged and committed.